The end of 2011 is here, hard to believe.
Today information is everywhere. This leads more and more people to question why they do what they do in their careers and in their life.
Each week more and more people seem to arrive at the conclusion that they don't believe in what they're doing. If you don't believe in your work then the time to change that is TODAY.
Don't wait, don't hesitate - take a stand, a stand for anything. How do you define a sell out? If you don't believe in your work, then guess what? You sold out.
Today is the day. There are more resources available than ever before. Don't worry about having it all figured out, just start. Start a blog, start a networking group, start a web site, start exercising, start smiling more - just start working towards what you believe in.
Feelings follow action, if you wait to act until you "feel" the time is right, TODAY will pass and eventually you'll be all out of todays.
Life happens one day at a time, today is all we have.
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