Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy 100th to Alan Turing

Alan Turing, a hero of the tech world, would have been 100 this coming weekend. Turing is considered the father of artificial intelligence and the computer algorithm - the science that makes business possible for Infegy and UmzuzuThis anniversary is a reminder of how far the world has come in more ways than one. 

The end of Alan's life was tragic. Mr. Turing was a gay man in England when being gay was a crime and homophobia rampent. During an investigation into a break in of Alan's apartment, police discovered he was gay and prosecuted him. He had to decide between prison or chemical castration. With a criminal record he lost the clearance required for his government work. 2 years later Alan Turing would be dead at the age of 41. His personal and professional life destroyed, he had taken his own life. 

Two things are true in 2012 even Alan Turing probably couldn't have imagined. The world's most valuable company, Apple, sells computers. And Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, is gay

Computing and equality still have a long way to go before their full potential is realized. But I think Alan might look at Tim Cook and Apple today and think both are pretty cool.  

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